MediLink, incorporating AI, aims for people to improve physical and mental health by tracking their own and family member’s medications, prevent overdose, and help those who live alone to take medicine on time.



UX/UI Designer


4 months : 2023.09 ~ 2023.12


UX Design, UI Design, User Testing

“People need to take the right medication at the right time”


  • People forget to take the right doses and right pills

  • There are needs to help one’s friend’s or family member’s regular medications



Final Prototypes

✔️ Flow 01: Create profile and add my medication

  • Tutorial for using AI function

  • Tracking user’s prescription for preventing overdose/ high reliance on medicines

  • For regular medication needed: Add medication by searching, setting doses and alarms

✔️ Flow 02: Add friend and check their status

  • Considering privacy issues: Enable users to request/accept to be connected as friends

  • Able to help family members who have difficulties remembering to take medication on time

  • Track overdose

✔️ Flow 03: AI pill/medicine search

  • Function to search using AI by taking picture of the pill

  • AI’s recommendation: Information about being aware of food intake, considering recent prescription status

Let’s now see the design process below!

01 motivation


What is the background?

“People need a way to take their medication the right amount at the right time”

  • People suffering from overdose and overdose death rate is continuously increasing from 1999.

  • There are patients, especially seniors, who needs regular medication.

  • However 80% of them do not take medication properly, reasons including forgetting to take them.

02 understand


Survey (30 participants) & 4 interviews

Over 90% of participants have experienced forgetting to take their medicine at the right time.

77% of participants have a family member that needs to take medicine daily.

Functions participants find it useful -

Participants find viewing their history, reminder notifications are the most useful function.

“What do people think about medication managing products?

interview quotes -


  • Users thought pill information was needed since there are a lot of time when they don’t know what this is for, and what food they shouldn’t have with

  • A lot of users forget to take pills at the right time

  • There are a lot of users who rely on medications heavily, even younger generations

  • Users who take multiple pills wanted to know which pill is for what symptoms

✔️ Takeaways

  • An efficient way to provide information to users, such as using AI to get info about pill when taking photo

  • Reminders and functions that let users track their prescription history

  • Connecting with family members who need help, but considering privacy issues

💡 Opportunities

03 identify & synthesize


Meet Sarah, Casey, and Tom!

Three types of users are targeted


“People need to take the right medication at the right time”

The Problem!

  • People forget to take the right doses and right pills

  • There are needs to help one’s friend’s or family member’s regular medications



How are others handling medication management, and what are their pros & cons?

✔️ Takeaways


  • Current products do a great job in sending alarms to alert users to take their pills

  • However, they do not provide cautionary labels about each pill

  • There is no product that lets users both track their medication and connect with family members

💡 Opportunities

  • Using Artificial Intelligence to search for pill information

  • Provide cautionary information about each medication, which food to not take or be aware of

  • Safe way to connect with family

04 user test and iteration!


After conducting usability test to 4 users, some priority and non-priority issues were found.

How should we improve user experience?

Leveraging AI for searching pill information should be highlighted, users found it unclear of the AI icon.

Iteration 01



Added information that is personalized for users, including AI recommendations based on each user’s prescription history

Iteration 02



05 final solution


Prototypes and High fidelity designs

✔️ Flow 01: Create profile and add my medication

  • Tutorial for using AI function

  • Tracking user’s prescription for preventing overdose/ high reliance on medicines

  • For regular medication needed: Add medication by searching, setting doses and alarms

Flow 01 description -

💡 Simple and fast onboarding, tool tips for AI search function

💡 Add medication, set notification if needed to remind to take the right amount of pills at the right time

✔️ Flow 02: Add friend and check their status

  • Considering privacy issues: Enable users to request/accept to be connected as friends

  • Able to help family members who have difficulties remembering to take medication on time

  • Track overdose

💡 Considering privacy issues, enable ‘sending friend request & accepting for caregiver role users

Flow 02 description -

💡 To help family members who forget to take their medication, users are able to send notification and check their status

✔️ Flow 03: AI pill/medicine search

  • Function to search using AI by taking picture of the pill

  • AI’s recommendation: Information about being aware of food intake, considering recent prescription status

Flow 03 description -

💡 Using AI to search for pill information by taking photos, providing personalized recommendations for each user

06 wrapping up



  • Was able to deliver product that make an impact on ‘health’, contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 3

  • Considering 3 types of diverse users and their journey, was able td dig deeply on user’s frustrations and needs

  • Preventing overdose, promote health, and enhance healthcare accessibility

01 Sympathizing user needs

02 Additional exploration

  • In the future, given more time, I would like to dive into diverse ways to notify to users

  • Sending alarms to family members will be also improved, considering more on privacy issues

  • User tests and interviews can be done more for more data-driven results